Senin, 28 Juli 2008

Install SSH pada Ubuntu

berikut perintah untuk install ssh server dan ssh client

# sudo apt-get install openssh-server openssh-client

Install FTP pada Ubuntu

FTP adalah singkatan dari File Transfer Protocol

Cara menginstall FTP server di ubuntu, yang dibutuhkan file vsftpd, jika kita terkoneksi ke internet kita hanya tinggal mengetik perintah :

# apt-get install vsftpd

linux sendiri yang akan menginstalasinya secara otomatis…setelah selesai ada sedikit konfigurasi yang harus dirubah untuk itu kita edit file /etc/vsftpd.conf. Ada beberapa point yang penting diantaranya

1. anonymous_enable=YES diubah menjadi NO, berguna sebagai security agar tidak semua orang bisa remote FTP

2. #local_enable=Yes, hilangkan tanda pagar (#), berguna agar user bisa login di local system

3. #write_enable=Yes, hilangkan tanda pagar(#), berguna agar user bisa upload file ke FTP server

kemudian restart FTP server dengan perintah :

#/etc/vsftpd restart atau # sudo /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart

FTP sudah dapat digunakan.

Minggu, 27 Juli 2008

Setting root password on ubuntu

Untuk Set Password root Ubuntu ketik :

sudo su

Masukkan Password kemudian ketik :


Masukkan password yg diinginkan untuk root

Sabtu, 26 Juli 2008

UNIX Command

Unix Commands Description Options
ls lists the content of a directory
-a Displays all files, including hidden files
-I Displays a detailed listing
-R Displays the files recursively (i.e. in the sub-directories)
-d Displays only the directories and not their content
-S Sort by size
-t Sort by the last modification date
-t Sort by version
-X Sort by alphabetical order of the extension
-r Sort in reverse order
cd change directory
cd Return to the user's directory
cd - Return to the previous directory
cd .. Return to the parent directory
mkdir Create a new directory
rmdir Deletes a directory
-f Force the deletion
-R Recursive delete (i.e. in the directory and its sub-directories)
cp Copy a file copy, xcopy
mv move file move
rm delete the file
-f Force the deletion
-R Recursive delete (i.e. in the directory and its sub-directories)
pwd "print working directory" displays the full current directory path of the work in progress.
passwd changes the user password
cat Concatenates two files and displays the result on the standard output. cat
more Displays the file content with pauses
file displays the presumed type of the specified file


help for the requested command
lpr prints the requested file
chmod changes the attribute of a file

chmod XXX file

XXX= User|Group|Other where X is an integer between 1 and 7

Read = 4, Write = 2, Execution = 1

X= Read + Write + Execution

chfn Changes the personal information viewed with finger
chsh Changes the shell: chsh user emplacement_du_shell
clear Clears the lines displayed on the terminal
finger, who list of users online
traceroute traces the path between the local machine and the target machine
ping diagnostic tool making it possible to see if a machine responds over the network
ftp[machine] [port]




file transfer between the local machine and target machine

recovers a file

sends a file

quits the FTP session

telnet [machine] performs a telnet telnet
talk makes it possible to talk to a connected user

talk user

mesg Authorizes or rejects the talk command

mesg n : Prevents reception of talk messages

mesg y: Allows reception of talk messages

exit Disconnects